September 13, 2024
Without getting into the gory details, my dad's diabetes has gotten worse and it's really hitting home that I need to make changes. Diabetes is something that runs in the family, as I believe I have a great-uncle who died due to complications with diabetes. I'm in the process of doing some reading into diet changes, and I will be creating an article based on that topic soon, once I do some more research into a few topics. Hopefully, either this weekend or next week it will be live. I'll put up a placeholder shortly.

August 28, 2024
Starting to develop an 'Action' page, talking about the different types of actions one can do for fitness, but don't fall under typical categories like calisthenics. An example being breathing techniques, as inspired by simpleliving here on Neocities. I plan on doing some more reading regarding the different techniques, as well as experiment with some, such as the Wim Hof method, and provide the information I can.

August 15, 2024
Updated the protein article with a small blurb regarding protein for living versus protein for muscle building.

August 12, 2024
The Guime was created, along with the Home and About sub-pages. Logo in conceptual design, likely going with a Gold's Gym inspired logo, but we'll see.
EDIT: Added Diet & Nutrition sub-page, and first article about protein, updated menu links above.